The Thematic Subjects

Each subject area makes use of SPECIALLY STUDIED AND IMPLEMENTED TEACHING MATERIALS based on the Pedagogical Guidelines, the scientific fundamentals of reference. The educational materials are interactive, multimedia, and hyper-textual, and are calibrated for customized use according to the needs of the class group and/or individual student. There is a very rich variety and quantity of material available for each subject, precisely in order to facilitate the choice of the most appropriate and suitable work unit for the specific class composition.

The teacher then chooses, in the hours set aside for developing the specific subjects, the most suitable path for the class, whether heterogeneous or homogeneous in terms of Italian language skills, interests indicated, and specific requirements.
It should be emphasized, however, that the student can also connect to and use the educational materials on a personal level outside the classroom, and that the teacher also calibrates what and how to use each educational material according to a plan they personally draw up.



The aim of this project is both cultural, with a carefully chosen review of different Italian musicals, and linguistic, with an itinerary that offers students suitable materials to learn vocabulary and language structures.

In addition to the musical aspect, the project includes various activities of both sound awareness and musical creativity, and simultaneously offers the tools for storytelling, expressing emotions and thoughts, understanding texts, and arguing at different language skill levels.
A key feature of this educational material is that it encourages both individual discovery and personal passion for Italian music, and facilitates group work that allows for common reflections, comparisons, considerations, and evaluations.
Within the four proposed strands, the teacher can choose their own work path adapted to the school and to the students’ language skill level.
In addition to using the prepared language worksheets, the teacher is given the opportunity to create their own worksheet that is consistent and suited to their musical and linguistic choices.


The project addresses a particular area of language, namely that of poetry, focusing on enhancing the emotion aroused by the integration of poetic text and image. Undoubtedly the use of metaphors, similes and forms of expression typically associated with poetry constitute a difficulty in approaching this type of text, but the methodology used in this project allows the teacher to approach the language used in a different manner with ease, enthusiasm, and lively participation.
The perspective of this work is twofold: to bring students closer to poetry by introducing them to some of the most significant poems in Italian literature, and to address the linguistic and cultural aspects in an integrated manner.


The photographic image is one of today’s main modes of communication, with all the simplifications and at the same time all the difficulties it brings with it. Undoubtedly, images narrate environments, facts, history, and protagonists without words and arouse the most diverse reactions in the sphere of emotions: participation, transport, empathy, serenity, anguish, joy, anger.
This project explores both the descriptive and the emotional spheres, and to achieve this it proposes a wealth of vocabulary and reading tools that lead the student to tell, to describe, to argue, while simultaneously offering constant food for thought on the message and visual impact of the image through individual or group work. The primary objective is therefore to find the words to say what the image conveys without speaking.



The main objective is to closely correlate visual art and language, to identify the artistic paths of wall art both briefly in a historical sense and specifically in the present time.
Therefore, street art revisited as expression placed both in the history of wall art and in the current context as a collective expression of unease, a reminder of reality, a profound signal of social emotions.

The educational material allows the teacher on the one hand to expand vocabulary and forms of expression, and on the other to explore street art, whose creators escape the regular cataloguing of art, but who rightfully belong to it because they not only convey their own emotions, but also the collective feeling.
The teaching proposals tell the story of murals in Italy and connect with those exemplifying New York and Connecticut in a refined comparison, analysis, and narration of common emotions.
The cutting-edge technology on which the project is based also offers students the possibility of filling in worksheets, publishing their own artistic work, recording their comments, saving files, and emailing them to the teacher.


The online project Immagini d’arte italiana offers students a roundup of paintings by great authors chosen from those representing different periods to provide an overview of Italy’s artistic heritage.
In order to “enter” each painting, students are first asked to familiarize themselves with the artwork, playing at reconstructing them through puzzles of varying difficulty, depending on the number of pieces and the complexity of the image. The activity inevitably leads to discovering the details of the paintings.
At the end of the puzzle, the students will be able to look up information about the painter and the work presented and will then apply their learning in some comprehension worksheets.

The worksheets are offered in Italian and English with facing texts in order to offer the possibility of understanding the descriptions of the various cities, even at beginner level. The questions lead the student to answer with ease, as the same linguistic expressions can be found in the question itself and in the Italian text.

Drama and performing arts


The theatre project is an important new addition. It does not intend to examine theatrical texts of high historical-literary value by well-known authors of great renown, but intends to offer the school an agile tool that is easily usable and with up-to-date language without any pretensions regarding scenography or particularly difficult theatrical structures. It is a matter of seeing theater as a representation of “communicative scenes” consisting of dialogue between the various protagonists, therefore where direct communication is the main and fundamental element.
The teacher can thereby use the dialogues in a simple and immediate way, giving the students scripts to learn by heart or to read for immediate use without any other logistical or organizational requirements.

This project represents a solid communicative approach for language and vocabulary used immediately. This type of work therefore uses theater as a form of communicative immediacy that can also result in subject play where students master the language and are able to intervene with their own expressions during the performance.
In addition to the musical aspect, the project includes various activities of both sound awareness and musical creativity, and simultaneously offers the tools for storytelling, expressing emotions and thoughts, understanding texts, and arguing at different language skill levels.


This educational material approaches the different forms in which cinema and movies are expressed.
In fact, this new criterion makes it possible to explore various types of movies and thus types of language, historical settings, and situations that determine linguistic-cultural analyses within the movie itself as well as mirroring a reality.

The project constitutes a new perspective of movies as a way of “writing” that is not exclusively identified with traditional movies, but a way of writing that covers different forms and modes, differently elaborated contents, representations of realities of imagination and life, a philosophy of life that interprets the world.
The project touches on different genres, examining the docufilm, documentary, short film, and short videos published online.
It is thus a very broad approach to movies, to be proposed to students who are in constant contact with them in their daily lives. The cultural sphere is certainly recognized in an expressive Italian space, but with the focus on cinematic culture as a universal and general value.



The short stories in this project stimulate reflection, classroom debate, the comparison of ideas and experiences, the discovery of the narrative text, and the social issues they address, albeit in a light-hearted manner. The range of topics includes important and sensitive matters; indeed, they are life stories, imagined and written to be discovered, emotions and states of mind of the protagonists and readers.
Each story proposes textual and reflective language activities through interactive online multimedia tasks that the teacher chooses and calibrates to each class.


The project presents the main Italian authors of the 20th century through some excerpts from their best-known works. This work is based on a scrupulous search for significant passages that are accompanied by a rich educational apparatus with the aim of discovering the language through literary texts.
The teacher chooses the most suitable piece for the summer class and works with the students in the most appropriate manner for the joy of exploring the Italian language, its sonority, and its educational value, according to a completely individualized plan.
The passages are grouped so as to focus on the main areas of the language. The material includes advanced technological tools.

  • Audio button to listen to the reading of a passage
  • Video button to watch an interview with the author or the like