La televisione riceve le trasmissioni del mio Paese?

Gli apparecchi televisivi sono in genere di tipo satellitare e quindi ricevono alcuni canali di tipo internazionale: BBC. Al tuo arrivo in Hotel troverai le indicazioni in camera nel fascicolo fornito dall’Hotel con i servizi televisivi disponibili.

By |2023-05-09T12:07:38+00:00July 12, 2021||Comments Off on La televisione riceve le trasmissioni del mio Paese?

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Does Italian television transmit programs from the US?

Television reception generally uses SCTellite service, and do offer international channels, such as BBC.
You will find information on the television service in the brochure supplied by individual hotels.

By |2023-05-09T12:07:17+00:00July 12, 2021||Comments Off on Does Italian television transmit programs from the US?

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