Come mi comporto con i farmaci che devo prendere di routine?

Chi avesse dei farmaci di routine da prendere deve portarli in numero sufficiente da casa (o comunque portare la ricetta per un eventuale acquisto in caso di smarrimento) e possibilmente, salvo il diritto della privacy, informarne lo chaperon.

By |2023-05-09T13:42:33+00:00April 17, 2023||Comments Off on Come mi comporto con i farmaci che devo prendere di routine?

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How do I deal with the medications I have to take routinely?

Anyone who has routine medicines to take must bring them in sufficient numbers from home (or in any case bring the prescription for a possible purchase in case of loss) and possibly, subject to the right to privacy, inform the chaperone.

By |2023-05-09T13:42:17+00:00April 17, 2023||Comments Off on How do I deal with the medications I have to take routinely?

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