Che cosa si intende per abbigliamento adatto da indossare per entrare nei Musei e nelle chiese?

L’abbigliamento adatto NON prevede pantaloncini corti, minigonne, abiti e camicette eccessivamente scollati e sbracciati, canottiere e sandali infradito. Quando si entra in questi luoghi bisogna potersi adeguare.

By |2023-05-09T11:11:17+00:00July 13, 2021||Comments Off on Che cosa si intende per abbigliamento adatto da indossare per entrare nei Musei e nelle chiese?

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What is meant by appropriate attire to enter museums and churches?

The term, “appropriate attire” implies NO mini skirts, mini shorts, low-cut blouses or sweaters, thin strap sweaters or tees, flip flops.
These rules are strictly enforced, and you will be denied entrance.

By |2023-05-09T11:11:00+00:00July 13, 2021||Comments Off on What is meant by appropriate attire to enter museums and churches?

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